짬뽕 (Jjambbong)


Product Description/제품 설명:

Weight: 780 g (27.5 oz)

Portion: 1 Serving/1인분


Cooking Instructions:

  1. In boiling water, boil the vacuum-sealed sauce for 5-7 mins.

  2. Boil water in a pot and cook the raw noodles until al dente.

  3. Strain the noodles and add the sauce (350 g) on top.


  1. 끓는 물에 포장된 소스를 5~7분 동안 끓여 주세요.

  2. 냄비에 물을 넣고 면을 알단테로 삶아주세요.

  3. 면위에 소스 (350g) 를 부어주세요.

Ingredients: pork (돼지고기), shitake mushroom (표고버섯), bok choi (복초이), onion (양파), red pepper (고추), green pepper (피망), cabbage (양배추), korean pepper powder (고추가루), sesame oil (참기름), noodles (면)

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